Today millions of immigrants who work, live, and raise families in the United States do not enjoy basic rights. Those with no papers are denied basic rights, and subject to arrest and deportation at any moment - losing jobs, breaking up families, disrupting their plans and dreams for the future. Those with H2-A or H2-B work visas may be deprived of them at any time because of employers’ actions. Even documented immigrants are not be permitted to receive some government benefits. And in the last year, under Obama and the Democrats, deportations have only increased - more than 1,000 every day!
Crossing the border without documents is not now a crime, nor should it be. Migration happens because of the real crimes - poverty, injustice, and war in migrants’ native countries. Whatever someone’s legal status, immigrants are not criminals but workers in search of a decent life, working long hours at the most difficult and dangerous jobs and for the lowest wages paid in this society. Why should anyone apologize for seeking a better life and contributing to this society? These are things to be proud of.
Download leaflet hereLack of a secure status here subjects immigrants to discrimination and exploitation by employers. Bosses refuse to pay overtime or benefits and sometimes don’t pay at at all whose workers who they say are “illegal.” Because the undocumented do not enjoy the rights of others in America, they become the object of racist attacks because of national origin, ethnicity, religion or language. For all of these reasons we want not just reform—but justice.
We demand full civil and political rights for all immigrants, now. We reject penalizing immigrants with fees or fines. We reject “reforms” like E-Verify that prevent immigrants from finding work in the United States. We reject the raids, the militarization of immigration enforcement, and the border walls.
1. We demand legalization for all - not just some - immigrants living in the United States.
2. We demand and end to economic and military policies that destabilize immigrants’ home countries.
3. We demand jobs, education, and health care for all! No more blaming of immigrants.
Winning these demands will only come through a movement led by immigrants other workers - not controlled by politicians for their own ends! In this movement, we must be prepared to use our economic and social power through marches, rallies, and strikes. Justice Now! Legalization for all!