The 17th of March in Rome more or less 30000 people attended the national
demonstration against the war, the military bases and for the withdrawal of
the italian troops from Afghanistan and all the war fronts. It was organised by
COBAS and other organisations and network of the Italian movement against the war, in the framework of the call of Nairobi WSF for a global day against
war around the anniversary of Iraq invasion, and taking in account that the
27th of March the Italian Parliament and Prodi’s government are going again
to vote the war funding, Afghanistan at first place. That’s why we called on all
people sharing the dream of peace and justice, to attend in a massive way
our demo.
The movement against Vicenza’s new military base has represented a turning
point against the war policies of our government, for a new season of
struggles able to break Prodi’s government complicity with permanent war.
The imposition of Vicenza’s USA military base and of taking part in the
Afghanistan’war it’s a choice against italian people’s will and also a strategy in favour of war, on the same wavelenght with USA and Nato: a policy that is said to be “multilateral” but that is simply a war policy, motivated by the wish to make Italy a “small -great" power, facilitating the growth of its financial holding throughout the World.
Prodi’s second time round government, who was set on foot with the further
help of the right, challenges openly all movements. Above all, the
government clashes with the anti-war movement, declaring its complete loyalty to the USA and the NATO, and supporting the war missions and the new Vicenza’s military base.
The illusion of a “friendly” government is failing and, for those who love
peace, is growing the responsibility of a new social opposition to war
policies. For that, it has been a great success to have 30000 people in the
streets of Rome, without the “left” parties, trade unions and associations
which take part or support the “frendly government” of Prodi, DS,
Margherita, Prc, Pdci, Verdi and so on.
– We’ll be again in front of the Parliament in Rome the 27th of March.
– We will strongly request to
the members of our parliament to vote against the decree and the
refinancing of the mission in Afghanistan.
– Immediate withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan and from all the war
fronts. Closure of all USA and NATO military bases. Against military
expenditures. Support the
resistance of struggling people, from Vicenza to all occupied
and invaded countries.
Piero Bernocchi
Confederazione COBAS - Italy